Once you've welcomed your child or children home, there are resources to help you become a strong, healthy and united family. From support groups where you can get to know other families who have walked in your shoes to case management services where a qualified post-adoption expert will come to your home to offer individualized assistance, there are supports designed to help your family at any level.
Explore post adoption resources here!
Post Adoption Resource Centers
The Michigan Department of Health and Human Services, in partnership with private agencies provides Post Adoption Resource Centers throughout the state. Find and contact your region by viewing the Post Adoption Resource Centers Map to find support in your area.
Post Adoption Resource Toolkit
This toolkit was developed by the statewide Adoption Oversight Committee, a collaboration of DHHS, MARE, SCAO, private foster care and adoption agencies, adoptive parents and other support organizations. View the toolkit and click on links of interest.
Therapist Resources
Our desire is to connect adoptive families with therapists who are competent in adoption-related counseling and who understand the complex needs of children and families touched by adoption. Please take the time to find a therapist that fits with your family dynamics and who is able to answer any questions or concerns you may have. This list is not comprehensive, so please feel free refer a therapist to us to add to this list.
Resources for Adopted Young Adults
The Michigan Resources for Transition-Aged Adopted and Guardian Youth provides information primarily to applicable youth, though this document may benefit parents and/or caregivers as well. Resources, descriptions, and contact information are listed for areas such as medical coverage, higher education funding, employment, transitional housing programs, and substance abuse. It is our hope that applicable youth benefit from this document and take advantage of the unique opportunities, services, and funding that are available.
View the toolkit and click on links of interest.
Wallet Cards
Click on the images below to download the wallet cards as a PDF document.

Version 1 (Single-Sided) Version 2 (for use with two-sided printers)
Essential Resources for Adoptive/Guardian/Kinship Families
Adoptive, guardian, and kinship families often face unique challenges. Specialized services and community based resources are available.
View the toolkit and click on links of interest.