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Training in Grand Rapids: Understanding Attachment Styles~Why it Matters

Grand Rapids, MI

Presented by the MARE Adoption Navigators

Understanding Attachment Styles~Why it Matters with trainer Laurie Nyquist, LPC

Laurie Nyquist is a therapist who works with families with attachment and adoption-related issues.  She is a Trust-Based Relational Intervention (TBRI) practitioner who received her extensive training in attachment from Karyn Purvis at the KP Institute of Child Development at Texas Christian University.  Laurie is an adoptive parent and has been working at Families Forever Counseling since 2013.  In addition to her experience as an adoption professional, Laurie is part of a marriage leadership team and does premarital counseling with her husband at their church. She has been married since 1991 and has four children, including one adopted internationally in 2006.  She enjoys time with family camping and hiking.

Emily Nyquist is a junior at Northview High School.  She is involved in several organizations at school and in the community, including Student Council, National Honor Society, Young Leaders Against Violence, and Teen Charge. Through these organizations, she has had the opportunity to speak publicly on local radio and TV.  She is a passionate advocate for social justice and teen dating violence. Emily enjoys time with friends, reading, and watching movies. She will also speak on what it's like to be a biological sibling of an adopted child. 

Brief Overview of presentation:

If attachment is the most important predictor of a family's journey and our children’s outcomes then it's worth talking about.  This seminar will equip parents with an understanding of the different attachment styles, both our children's and our own.  We will explore encouraging research that reveals how having a secure attachment can help counter the effects of early trauma and enable a child to regulate his or her emotions.  In addition, we will take time to understand our own histories, and what we learned about attachment from our family of origin and how having a secure attachment ourselves can be what promotes deep healing in our child.

Objectives of presentation:

* Understanding Adult Attachment Styles and how they impact our significant relationships
* Understanding Infant/Child Attachment Styles and how they were formed
* Understanding how we can become more secure in our attachment relationships
* Understanding what it's like to be the biological sibling of an adopted child

WHEN: Saturday, September 21, 2019

WHERE:  Unison Church
                2010 Kalamazoo Ave. SE
                Grand Rapids, MI 49507
Registration and refreshments at 9:30am 
Training from 10:00am- 2:00pm

Lunch will be provided

Limited Child Care Available/snacks and lunch provided

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