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Mar 15

Register for a Virtual Meet & Greet!

Event date: 3/15/2025 11:00 AM - 1:00 PM Export event

Michigan Adoption Resource Exchange (MARE) would like to invite you to register for our Virtual Meet & Greet! Youth and families will enjoy an afternoon of connecting virtually with "getting to know you" themed fun! We hope to help youth and families make connections through these events!


Saturday, March 15, 2025

11 AM - 1:00 PM (Youth will sign on at 10:55 am and Families sign on at 10:45 am, debrief will begin at 12:30 pm)

Via Zoom

Waiting youth: Priority will be given to youth without any pending inquiries through MARE, youth who have never been to a meet and greet and youth who were not in attendance at a recent MARE Meet and Greet. If a child participated in a recent meet and greet, all inquiries from the last event should be resolved before the child can attend the next event. Once a child has been registered, a confirmation email will be sent to their adoption worker with information for the event. All attending youth MUST be legally free for adoption, photo listed with MARE and listed as "Open" on the MARE website.


Please note when registering waiting youth: Adoption workers, if you register a youth for a meet and greet and you anticipate they will have a status change prior to the event date, please notify me so that we can discuss if it would be appropriate for that youth to still attend the event. 


Adoptive families: Families will receive a confirmation email after MARE has spoken with their adoption worker to verify they have a completed adoption homestudy with the details for the event. All families must be approved for adoption to attend.  


Please note: It is MARE policy that only prospective adoptive parents participate in meet and greet events. We ask that you do not have children/teens participate with you during the event.


To register, click the appropriate link below. Registration can also be found on the MARE homepage or by contacting MARE directly.


Youth Registration



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