The Big 3: Raging, Lying, and Stealing ~a virtual training with presenter Barb Clark~

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The Big 3: Raging, Lying, and Stealing ~a virtual training with presenter Barb Clark~

Hosted by the MARE Adoption Navigator Team and Regional Resource Teams 4 & 5

Monday, November 18, 2024/Categories: Family, Featured Event

Event date: 12/16/2024 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM Export event

WHEN: Monday, December 16, 2024, 6:00pm-8:00pm

Please login at 5:50pm for attendance.

WHERE: This training will be taking place on Zoom only. You will receive a reminder and the Zoom login information a few days before the training date. As you enter the training, please mute your microphone. We encourage everyone to turn on your camera for a more interactive training. 

Pre-registration is required. Please complete the questions below. The training is Free. You will be asked to complete a brief satisfaction survey at the conclusion of the training and we will email you a training certificate.

Description of training:

Children and adolescents who have experienced trauma have unique brain wiring and are often at a mixture of developmental ages.  Typical consequence-based behavioral strategies are often not effective and can lead to further trauma and impact the relationship between the adults and children/adolescents.  Participants will learn new approaches to use with children and adolescents who have trauma histories which will help you to understand them better and improve communication and relationships.  The strategies we will cover are recommended for in-utero trauma such as FASD and also for trauma they may have experienced after birth.  We will specifically cover the Big 3; lying, stealing and raging.  

Barb Clark is the Director of training at Families Rising and is an adoptive and kinship parent to five adult children.  She is passionate about learning from her many mistakes, and sharing them with others so they can avoid the same mistakes. She uses humor and real-life experiences to help professionals and caregivers challenge the use of traditional strategies and push them to think outside of the box. She graduated from the University of Minnesota in Youth Development but has learned more from her kids than she ever did in college.  She is committed to improving the education & lives of individuals who were prenatally exposed to drugs & alcohol.

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